We have previously cooperated with Klarna, and should you still have unfinished business with them, they are the ones you should contact. You will find their contact details on the invoice or other documents from them.
Together with Svea Bank we actively work to to prevent fraud. If, after all, you suspect that you have been the victim for fraud, or do not recognize an order or a transaction, we will of course help you in the best way possible. Do this in case of suspected fraud:
Get in touch with our customer service. Try to have as much information as possible about the current order, for faster and smoother handling. Use contact form below
Contact the police
Card payment:
At present card payment for corporate customers is not an option we can offer. For corporate customers with a Swedish invoice address we offer payment by invoice via Svea Bank. For corporate customers with an invoice address abroad we offer to purchase and pay as a private customer.
Svea Bank If you have questions regarding the financial transactions linked tol your invoice - invoice, payment, debt collection - please contacyt Svea Bank via e-mail or telephone at [email protected] or at 08-735 29 59. You will also find their conrtact information on the invoice itself.
Bokus Other questions - item/s, order/s, delivery, return - please contact Bokus' customer service. You will find the contact form at the bottom of this guide